Frequently Asked


Silicones are produced by synthesizing silicon – one of the earth’s most common elements. Modifying the silicon molecule through the addition of carbon molecules produces polymers that, in essence, combine the physical qualities of a metal with the diversity of plastics. The result is an extremely strong, durable, versatile material with a wide range of high-performance properties. Silicones are strong but flexible and resist moisture, chemicals, heat, cold and ultraviolet radiation*SEHSC. (2010). Sophisticated chemical building block. Retrieved April. 28, 2010, from www.sehsc.com

To match the lubricity of natural vessels we suggest the addition of 0.6% baby shampoo. This concentration has been our standard for years and has been verified by multiple physicians. Baby shampoo is easily obtained, simple to use, and economical. Our vessels have been shown to be compatible with all alternative solutions as well.

The silicone all solutions we have tested. In our cleaning process, we use soap water and alcohol. Our clients have used to name a few, glycerin glycol, petroleum jelly and natural blood.

The silicone used in building our vascular models has a shore hardness range of 37-39, a tear resistance of 21 N/mm^2 (120 ppl), a tensile strength of 6.3 N/mm^2 (920 psi), a maximum elongation of 340 percent, a specific gravity of 1.08, an elastic modulus of 3.1-3.4 (450-500 psi), and our silicone is transparent with a refractive index of 1.41. Some models use alternate silicones, please refer to the technical sheet for specifications.

For the marketing professional: Physicians demand accurate demonstration and training models that accurately test features and benefits of a device. We understand the importance of each physician demonstration. We work with you to assure you have the appropriate models and that they are delivered on time.

For the engineer: Engineers consistently endorse our phantom vasculature, which provides accurate solutions to R&D needs. We offer a diverse array of disease and malformation models. We also customize our vessels to offer a cost efficient alternative to a full custom model.

For the physician: Physicians and other medical professionals are improving the ways doctors are trained and how they communicate with patients. Many of our vessels are specifically designed to replicate interventional scenarios. We all know that repetition is vital to success, which is why all our vessels are designed for repeated use, easy product retrieval and clarity.

Diameters given are measured in one direction only. Many of our vessels are not ideal cylinders because they are based off of real human vasculature. Therefore, diameters on some of our vessels change depending on the axis of measurement.

To help ensure optimal vessel performance, please read the following Vessel Care & Maintenance document carefully.

If able, please have ready a drawing or blueprint of your vessel concept including; overall dimensions, inner diameters, compliance, and reference images (Ex. Dicom, CT, X-Ray, CAD, Hand Drawings). If a multi-dimensional (as opposed to a vessel which lays flat) vessel is desired, dimensions should include all three XYZ angles. Request a custom vessel using our custom vessel order form.

We are capable of producing vasculature with exceptional tortuosity and complexity. We offer vascular models with arterial bifurcations as well as smooth and consistent tapering, as desired.

We commonly produce aortic, cerebral, and peripheral aneurysms with either fusiform or saccular shapes. The sizes of our aneurysms vary between berry and giant.

Vascular models are developed from approximations of angiographic and computed tomography data. Many of our models are created using one specific patient’s anatomy, while others are constructed from an averaged combination of multiple medical image sources. Our process allows us to create a wide range of both simple and complex vessel models. The models do not exactly replicate the specific diameters, bend radii, or three-dimensional spatial positioning of the anatomical source information used.

United Biologics uses only high quality silicones for production. Latex has a few noticeable limitations. Most obvious is its opaqueness which prevents your product from being easily seen. Latex also fatigues over time, directly affecting the accuracy of testing environments.

When necessary, United Biologics, Inc.’s standard practice for custom orders includes non-disclosure documentation for both parties. We treat your sensitive information very seriously, and ask that you respect the proprietary nature of our work. View our privacy policy.

Orders are usually received within 3-8 weeks after a PO or alternative payment plan is approved.

Return authorization must be obtained for all returns. Authorization will be issued at United Biologics’ sole discretion due to the delicate nature of silicone vascular models.

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