The superior segment of the Arterial Leg Bundle begins with the abdominal aorta just above the renal artery and extends to the femoral arteries. (Arterial Iliac Model)
The medial segment connects at the common femoral artery, which transitions into the superficial femoral artery (SFA). The profunda femoris artery branches out laterally to the SFA. The perforating branches then extend laterally from the profunda. (Upper Leg Arterial Model)
The inferior segment connects to the profunda femoris at the proximal popliteal artery. It subsequently bifurcates to the anterior tibial, posterior tibial and peroneal arteries. (Lower Leg Arterial Model)
The Arterial Leg Bundle includes non-slip Stabilizing Platforms for easy access, and clear, adjustable straps that allow for anatomical flexibility.
The Large Accessory Kit is included with this model to help create a realistic testing, training, or demonstration environment within the vessel.
This vessel was constructed from angiographic and CT data to provide a clinical scenario for testing, training, and demonstration.